We recommend you to install the network version of CyberSieve. This will allow you to perform remote supervision over all installed copies of CyberSieve from a single Administrator's PC.
To install the network version of CyberSieve follow these steps:
- Download latest version of CyberSieve from our web site: www.softforyou.com/cs-download.php.
- Determine which computer you plan to use as the CyberSieve Server computer. Please note this computer can be a dedicated computer or can be one of your users’ computers.
In the first case you can install CyberSieve Server Without Filtering, which will be Free for you.
In the second case the Server computer also can be subject to filtering, and you should install CyberSieve Server With Filtering.
The price for CyberSieve Single PC version, CyberSieve Client or CyberSieve Server With Filtering is the same and depends only on the number of purchased licenses. Please visit the www.softforyou.com/cs-pricing.html to get information about how to get cumulative discounts if you purchase multiple licenses.
- During installation select to install the Network version. Then on the Server computer select either CyberSieve Server With or Without Filtering depending on your administrative tasks.
Open the control panel on the Server computer, click on the settings and set the administrator password. This will protect your settings from being changed by unauthorized persons. Also, this password will be set on all Client computers after synchronization.
- On the user’s computers select to install the CyberSieve Client. You should install the Server version first, and then install the Client version on each user’s computer.
- If you use a Personal Firewall on either Server or Client computers, you should instruct them not to block CyberSieve modules.
For example, Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher already contains a built-in firewall, and if it is turned on then you should add CyberSieve modules: cscp.exe, csnotify.exe, cssvr.exe located in the System32 directory, into the Exceptions list of this firewall.
- After installing the Client version, you should instruct CyberSieve Client where it can find the CyberSieve Server in order to keep its databases and settings synchronized with the Server.
Make the following below, if your computers are in the local area network (LAN).
Make sure the Server computer is turned on and CyberSieve Server is installed on it. Also make sure that you have added CyberSieve modules to the exceptions list of firewall on Server and Client computers. Open the control panel on the Client computer by double-clicking on the CyberSieve icon near the clock. The CyberSieve Client should automatically find CyberSieve Server and you should see the server's IP address in the control panel. If the IP address field is empty, please add it manually. This can be either the Server computer's IP address or Server computer's name in your local network.
- Check if synchronization works: Push the 'Synchronize' button on the control panel on a Client computer. The Client computer should start synchronizing its databases with the Server Computer.
If synchronization fails, please check the reason for failure in CyberSieve logs. To do this, push the 'Logs' in the control panel, select the 'Online Activity' page and then choose the 'Synchronization' item in the 'Filter' combo box. Also, check for possible errors in the Client PC and in the c:/cs-err.log or .../Program Files/SoftForYou/CyberSieve/cs-err.log file.
To make sure that the Server computer is reachable and CyberSieve Server is installed properly you can send direct commands to it from your Web Browser.
Start your browser and type in the address string, http://XXXX:5128/?name=syncinfo. Where the “XXXX” is the either the Server computer's IP address or the Server computer's name in your network. If CyberSieve Server works properly, you should be prompted to save the file on local disk.
- If you have not local area network then please note that network version of CyberSieve has a synchronization between the server and clients via the Internet.
That is, you need to allow synchronization via the Internet on the client and the server (your computer).
Adjust the synchronization to the server as follows.
Open the CyberSieve Control Panel, click on Settings and select "Synchronization Server" item. Then mark the "Enable Synchronization via Internet" checkbox.
Adjust the synchronization to the client as follows.
Open the CyberSieve Control Panel, mark the "Enable Synchronization via Internet" radiobox.
- If the synchronization procedure proceeds normally, and if you have set up the administrator password on the Server computer as we recommended above, your Client computer Control Panel should be protected by this password for now.
Close and open the Control Panel again to make sure that it is password protected and your settings cannot be changed by unauthorized persons.
- Now enter all necessary settings on the Server and transfer them to all Clients by pushing the 'Synchronize' button. You can set up automatic synchronization with a given periodicity from the control panel of the Client version. The more computers in your network, the less frequently you should set the synchronization to avoid overloading your local network.
- To facilitate the administration, CyberSieve allows you to unite users into groups and customize settings for a whole group. There is no need to customize every user's settings. Create groups for all Client PCs on the 'Users and Groups' screen.
For example, for group 'Computer_1' you should enter all Windows login names of this PC that have the same settings. If some Client PC has a number of users that have different settings for the program, then you should organize groups of users so that all users of every group would have the same settings. Even more, if some users on different computers have the same settings, they should be united in one group. First organize groups, then enter settings for each of them.
- Enter settings for each group of users for each particular Client PC. For example, enter a schedule in the 'Internet Timetable' screen, then push the 'Synchronize' button to send the settings to the Clients.